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Emails to users

Emails to users are currently accomplished via a Google Group. This is not ideal, but we haven’t found an ideal solution yet.

It has to be manually updated periodically. There is no way to add emails programmatically when creating accounts.

To get new email addresses to be added to the list, login to Cypress and then run this command:
mysql -B mcsrresdb -u ppace -p --execute "SELECT email from users WHERE last_updated >= '2024-4-17'"

This command has the advantage of not printing the usual borders around the MySQL output, allowing the emails to be copied and pasted directly into Google Groups.

Add users via this link:

Welcome message:

You are being added to the Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research (MCSR) mailing list. It is used for very occasional MCSR-related announcements.

Ben Pharr
Director, MCSR

Mailing list was last updated on 4/17/2024. Please update this page after updating list.